Thursday, January 23, 2014

Win #247

I won something from the flairist blog a while back, I really nice piece of jewelry to be precise.  This was a contest for just their twitter and Facebook followers.  I almost feel like I stole this sweater from them because only 15 entries were received.  Maybe they are in need of a marketing/social media coordinator (wink wink). I winked because that's my job, stay with me people.

The flairist is actually a phenomenal blog/entity that focuses on young and inspirational women with goals and aspirations to become more.  I love their writers and I love their outlook.  Anything that inspires young women to be more empowered and teaches us how to take control of our lives, careers and self image is alright in my book.

So go check them out on Facebook and like them, it's worth it.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Win #246

Thanks to "As They grow up" blog for the super awesome giveaway sponsored by balance bar!  I scored some awesome sports earbuds and a balance bar prize pack!

Get on over to As they Grow Up because there's more where that came from!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Win #245

Life with Levi is a great blog!  I've had her on my radar a long time as well, as far as blogs I read and win from go.  Thanks to her and her post on ugly Christmas sweaters i was able to score a $50 gift card from Savers!  I have to take a trip to my college town area to go because I don't have one in my town but it's ok they have the best mall ever there!  

In related news I won my families ugly sweater contest this year, lol.

Win #244

The Funky MOnkey is as always one of my top favorite blogs to win from.  Super low entry, great prizes, easy entry methods and daily entry methods.  This is such a win-win.  I have won from them a $50 gift card to Christina Nicole Studios.  I used it pretty much immediately and bought a pair of earrings.  There was a limit so that I had to actually spend money in their store to use this gift car, which is in fact kind of a bummer compared to some of the times I have won and they cover EVERYTHING, even shipping.  I know, I know you're not supposed to complain.  Otherwise I am super happy!