Monday, May 20, 2013

Win #204

So I guess you create your own luck sometimes.  I blogged about how I felt guilty for winning so many Dial Kids coupons and they now just keep coming.  Chalk up number 4 for the Dial Kids wins for me please.  I won this time from Adventures of Super Mom!  She has to be one of my favorites by the way, I follow her Facebook page and she has me in stitches all the time!

Im most impressed by her dedication.  Michelle blogs, Vlogs and Posts on Facebook so regularly that you'd think she was never off the computer but she manages to take care of several kids (all ages), clean house and update us all on the status of her hair every single day.

When you have a few extra minutes.  Just kidding, HOURS... Go visit Michelle and check out what an awesome Mom, wife and blogger she really is.

Oh yeah and Dial rocks.

1 comment:

Michelle said...


Someone actually reads my blog!!!

It's awesome to know that I entertain you! That's why I'm here. :)