Thursday, December 18, 2008

Win Number 24

Thanks to Lisa Reviews for holding the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Giveaway. I won one of five gift cards to the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Company. I haven't decided what to buy yet but I am thinking that I want this blue steel bottle, Jaime keeps telling me I need to stop drinking out of plastic and he's right I really do. The gift card is for 5 bucks and as tempting as the 100% Kona is I may have to try to restrain myself. Lisa Reviews does lots of giveaways, her button is on the bottom of the blog if your interested!

Afterthought: The graphic designer who clipped out the above picture really needs to be fired, it wasn't until I uploaded it to my blog on black that you can see the bad clip job, sheesh!

Update: I got this gift card but I haven't used it yet, I am waiting to see if anything goes on sale so I don't have to shell out a bunch of cash to get something with it.

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